Doctoral Studies

What exactly does the placement of the program within the Urban Education Ph.D. program mean for the training of counseling psychologists? - Counseling Psychology

  What exactly does the placement of the program within the Urban Education Ph.D. program mean for the training of counseling psychologists?
    In addition to being an APA-accredited program that leads to licensure as a psychologist, the placement of the program offers students an interdisciplinary experience. Some of the courses they take in the first two years of doctoral study include students from other specializations in the Urban Education program, including disciplines such as adult development, educational policy, learning and development, and educational leadership. In addition, students enroll in at least one course in the College of Urban Studies to help them understand how the urban context affects the psychosocial functioning of urban populations. In other words, this program is designed for counseling psychology students who seek to learn about other disciplines and interact with professionals and doctoral students in those disciplines while they are developing as competent counseling psychologists.