Northern Ohio Data and Information Service

Column Headers for the 1930's Tables

Column Headers for the 1930's Tables

tract - Census Tract code

Dwellings and Families:
dwelling - Total dwelling units in Census Tract
dwlng_1f - Single-Family dwellings
dwlng_2f - Two-Family dwellings
dwlng_3upf - Structures with 3 or more apartments
family - Total families in Census Tract
fam_1f - Families living in Single-family homes
fam_2f - Families living in two-family homes
fam_3upf - Families living in structures with 3 or more apartments

Radios per Family:
FamRadio - Number of families with a radio
PercentFam - Percent of families with a radio

Monthly Rent:
rentDollar - Equivalent average monthly rent in dollars
special - Marks the rentDollar amount as an estimate

Percent Under 15:
percent - Percent of the population under 15 years of age
group - Added purely for mapping purposes

Percent Illiterate:
All10plus - Percent illiterate for the Census Tract's total population
Negro10plus - Percent illiterate for the Census Tract's black population
ForW10plus - Percent illiterate for the Census Tract's foreign-born white population
NWFNP_first_COUNTRY - Country of ancestry with the highest rate of illiteracy for the native white of foreign or mixed parentage
NWFNP_first - Percent illiterate from NWFNP_first_COUNTRY
NWFNP_second_COUNTRY - Country of ancestry with the second highest rate of illiteracy for the native white of foreign or mixed parentage
NWFNP_second - Percent illiterate from NWFNP_second_COUNTRY
ForW_first_country - Country of ancestry with the highest rate of illiteracy for the foreign-born white population
ForW_first - Percent illiterate from ForW_first_country
ForW_second_country - Country of ancestry with the second highest rate of illiteracy for the foreign-born white population
ForW_second - Percent illiterate from ForW_first_country

(This table generally relates to group quarters data of today.  An example the book gives is The State Hospital for the Insane in Tract O-9 which is a "quasi-family" of 2,700.)
quasifam - Number of quasi-families in the Census Tract
pop - Number of persons in quasi-families in the Census Tract

1910 and 1920 Population Characteristics:
NWNP - Native-born White with Native Parents
NWFMP - Native-born White with Foreign or Mixed Parents
ForW - Foreign-born White
negro - Black Population
other - Not black or white