Department of Educational Studies, Research and Technology

Department of Educational Studies, Research and Technology

  • Twice-Exceptional Teacher Education
  • Gifted and Talented Education
  • Educational Technology
  • Educational Research and Assessment
  • Master of Urban Secondary Teaching
  • Department of Educational Studies, Research, and Technology

Department Overview

The MISSION of the Department of Educational Studies, Research and Technology is to create an interdisciplinary, transformative educational experience for our students focused on principles of research and methodological advancement, innovation design, professional excellence, and deep knowledge of psychological, cultural, social, and technological issues in education and human development. Further, we aim to promote innovative, research-informed, equitable, and just policy and practice in schools and community-based and youth-serving organizations, particularly in urban communities.

The VISION of the Department of Educational Studies, Research and Technology is to be a catalyst for change toward a more equitable and just society. We strive to produce research and cultivate thinkers and leaders who utilize inquiry in social, psychological and historical urban contexts to improve schools and communities, in partnership with youth, families, and urban communities.

The VALUES of the Department of Educational Studies, Research and Technology are empirical grounding, respect for human diversity, collective wellness, innovation, collaboration, and social justice.